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  2. Press Kit

Wind Instrument

Étienne Paquette

Selections and Awards

  • Winner - Cultural Production - Experiential Interactive Installation Installation (In Situ) Numix Awards 2019


Artistic Vision


Étienne Paquette

Photo : Julie Boileau

Louis-Richard Tremblay
Producer (NFB)

Photo : Angel Carpio

Pascale Daigle
Producer (Quartier du spectacle Partnership)

Photo : Maxime Leduc



Photo credit: Chloé Larivière

Photo credit: Chloé Larivière

Photo credit: Chloé Larivière

Photo credit: Chloé Larivière

Photo credit: Étienne Paquette (NFB, PQDS, La Serre)

Photo credit: Étienne Paquette (NFB, PQDS, La Serre)

As part of POSSiBLES


A National Film Board of Canada, Quartier des Spectacles Partnership and LA SERRE – arts vivants co-production.

Created by Etienne Paquette

Creative and artistic director
Etienne Paquette

Set designer
Mélanie Crespin

Sound designer and interactivity programmer
Philippe Hughes

Technical director

Vincent Paquette

Music consultant and researcher
Javier Asencio

Multimedia consultant
Vincent Pasquier


Executive Producer
André Picard

Louis-Richard Tremblay

Production Manager
Justine G. Chapleau

Editorial Manager
Valérie Darveau

Technologies Director
Martin Viau

Production Coordinators
Gabrielle Dupont
Marie-Ève Babineau
Caroline Fournier

Isabelle Limoges

Marketing Manager
Gabrielle Harvey

Marketing Coordinator
Stéphanie Quevillon

Social Media Strategists
Kate Ruscito
Émilie Nguyen

Community Managers
Alyssia Duval-Nguon
Mélissa Sauvé

Web Content Project Manager
Félix-Antoine Viens

Press Relations
Marie-Claude Lamoureux

Information Technologies
Sergiu Suciu

Legal Services
Christian Pitchen

Quartier des spectacles Partnership

Director of Programming – Producer
Pascale Daigle

Programing Manager
Frédéric Kervadec

Production Project Manager
Laurence Montmarquette


Media Relations

  • About the NFB

    The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is one of the world’s leading digital content hubs, creating groundbreaking interactive documentaries and animation, mobile content, installations and participatory experiences. NFB interactive productions and digital platforms have won over 100 awards, including 21 Webbys. To access this unique content, visit NFB.ca.

  • About the Quartier des spectacles and the partnership

    The Quartier des Spectacles is Montreal’s cultural heart, boasting North America’s most concentrated and diverse group of cultural venues as well as numerous festivals and events. The Quartier also hosts innovative urban installations involving cutting-edge lighting design and immersive environments. The Quartier des Spectacles has become an international showcase for digital public art.

    The Quartier des Spectacles Partnership is a non-profit organization responsible for operating and programming the Quartier’s lively public spaces, for illuminating the area through distinctive lighting design as well as for promoting this must-visit cultural destination. The Partnership is a member of several international networks, including the Connecting Cities Network and Lighting Urban Community International (LUCI), as well as the Global Cultural Districts Network. The Partnership is supported by the Ville de Montréal.

    For more information, visit quartierdesspectacles.com

  • About LA SERRE – arts vivants

    Because we believe that art is essential to bind the individual to his community, LA SERRE — art vivants is a creation platform that facilitates fruitful encounters and provides emerging artists with an environment that is conducive to the creation and dissemination of meaningful work.

    LA SERRE is a structuring incubator for the improvement of the conditions under which emerging artists carry out their work in live arts. It accompanies them in the expansion of their work, from the creation process to encounters with the public. It helps artists develop their autonomy, organizational maturity and artistic independence. LA SERRE acts as an activator of collaborations between artists and local, national and international partners, as well as artists from various artistic disciplines and other areas. Artistically, LASERRE favors projects that establish evocative links between art and society, and facilitate connections between different disciplinary fields and sectors.

    The mandate of LA SERRE comprises three axes of activities: Artists, Events and Ateliers.

    For more information: laserre.ca