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Voices Across the Water

Au fil de l’eau
Fritz Mueller
2022 | 84 min
Original version in English

Awards and Festivals

  • Official SelectionAvailable Light Film Festival, Whitehorse, Canada (2023)

  • Official SelectionFIN Atlantic International Film Festival, Halifax, Nova Scotia (2022)

  • Official SelectionBanff Mountain Film Festival, Alberta (2022)

  • Official SelectionYellowknife International Film Festival, Canada (2022)

  • Official SelectionSalt Spring Film Festival, British Columbia (2023)







Excerpt 1 - Dedication (featuring Wayne Price)

Excerpt 2 - Bending birchbark (featuring Halin de Repentigny)


A paddler takes a hand-made birchbark canoe out on the water in the Yukon.

Wayne Price, Tlingit master carver and artist.

Halin de Repentigny, acclaimed Yukon artist.

Carcross, Yukon.

Master boat builder Wayne Price leading the Tlingit dugout canoe project.

Tlingit master carver Wayne Price with Carcross/Tagish First Nation artist Violet Gatensby.

Harvesting raw birchbark.

Halin de Repentigny, master birchbark canoe builder, with Jake Armstrong.

Halin de Repentigny sealing the seams of a hand-made birchbark canoe.

Film Subjects

Halin de Repentigny, master birchbark canoe builder and artist.

Wayne Price, Tlingit master carver and artist.

Violet Gatensby, Carcross/Tagish First Nation artist and carver.


Fritz Mueller
Director and Producer (Sagafish Media)


Teresa Earle
Writer and Producer (Sagafish Media)


Shirley Vercruysse
Producer/Executive Producer (NFB)

Photo : Myriam Frenette


Fritz Mueller

Teresa Earle

Teresa Earle
Shirley Vercruysse
Fritz Mueller

Director of Photography
Fritz Mueller

Graham Withers
Teresa Earle

Jordy Walker

Halin de Repentigny
Wayne Price

Violet Gatensby
Duncan Spriggs
Jake Armstrong

Joe Migwans
Tim Ackerman
Melvin Williams
Roberta Wally
Keith Wolfe Smarch
Whitney Hartigan
Cherri Price

Filmed in
Dawson City, Carcross and Whitehorse, Yukon
Haines, Juneau and Skagway, Alaska
and in the traditional territories of the Carcross/Tagish, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Kwanlin Dün and Coast Tlingit

Production Manager
Teresa Earle

Location Sound
Fritz Mueller

Aerial Cinematography
Fritz Mueller
Jassin Godard
Mike Code

Archival Footage
Duncan Spriggs

Additional Camera
Bill Kendrick
Brian Ladue

Sound Editing
Stackwall Sound

Sound Design
Stackwall Sound

Sound Editors
Jordy Walker
Kyle Cashen

Post-Production Sound
Stackwall Sound

Sound Mixer
Jordy Walker

Additional Composition
Jesse Zubot

Fritz Mueller

Title Design
Jenn Strom

Graphic Design
Mary Binsted

Closed Captioning
Line 21 Media Services

Post-Production Coordinator
Teresa Earle

Richard Malvasio
Bamby James
Waughnita James-Elton
Emily Sheakley
Herb Kaaxh Tséen Sheakley Jr
Rose Willard
Andrew Robinson
RJ Santos
Claus Schytrumpf
Michel Vincent

Support Boats
Tommy Taylor
Adam Zenger

Also appearing
Max Vincent
Ted Hart
Justin Smith
Jack Smith Sr
Jack Smith Jr
Stuart Schmidt
Jerry Mosure
Walter Cameron
Charlie Burns
Harold Gatensby
Phil Gatensby
Colleen James
Eileen Wally
Bessie Jim
Daisy Gatensby
Ryker Johns
Ben Gribben
Ali Khoda
Gisela Niedermeyer
Leslie Hamson
Theo Stad
Bear the dog

Carvings and Dugout Canoes
Wayne Price

Paintings and Birchbark Canoes
Halin de Repentigny


Chilkoot Entrance Song
Tlingit song written by Lance Twitchell
Performed by Wayne Price, Justin Smith and Ted Hart

St. Anne’s Reel
Traditional Canadian fiddle tune
Performed by Amelia Rose Slobogean

En Roulant la Boule
Traditional French-Canadian folk song
Performed by Halin de Repentigny

Daḵl’aweidí (Killer whale) Migration Song
Traditional Tlingit song with acknowledgment to Daḵl’aweidí clan
Performed by Rose Willard, Bamby James, Emily Sheakley, Waughnita James-Elton

Dawson City Bound
Song by George McConkey
Performed by George McConkey live at the Westminster Hotel

Wellington’s Advance
Traditional Irish jig
Performed by Amelia Rose Slobogean

We Used to Go
Written by Jordy Walker, Corwin Fox, Jeff Wolosewich
Performed by Jordy Walker and Jesse Zubot

Legal Services
Boughton Law
Austring Fairman and Fekete

Front Row Insurance

Sherrill Sirrs Inc.

Teresa Earle

Northwestel Production Executive
Mike Gravitis

The National Film Board of Canada, BC & Yukon Studio

Line Producer
Jennifer Roworth

Technical Coordinator
Wes Machnikowski

Studio Administrator
Carla Jones

Senior Production Coordinators
Nathan Conchie
Nicolas Ayerbe Barona

Marketing Manager
Kay Rondonneau

Katja De Bock

Executive Producer
Shirley Vercruysse

Special thank you
Adäka Cultural Festival
Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre
Skagway Museum
University of Alaska Southeast
Westminster Hotel
Yukon First Nation Culture & Tourism Association
Dań Kwanje ’Á–Nààn: Voices Across the Water Traditional Watercraft Project
Charlene Alexander
Mark Doucette
Shirlee Frost
Marilyn Jensen
Chris McNutt
Iris Merritt
Florence Moses
Andrew Seymour
Michelle Van Beusekom

Thank you
William Amos
David Ashley
Bryna Cable
Dan Cable
Annie Cable
Angus Cable
Elaine Cairns
Christine Cleghorn
Brian Crist
Norm Curzon
John Dempster
Chris Ferguson
Jessica Hall
Heather Harding
Tyler Hargreaves
Raffles McDowell
Gail McKechnie
Rhoda Merkel
Don Murphy
Selwyn Jacob
Bob Jickling
Wendy Jickling
Linda Johnson
Will Macrae
Fritz Mueller Sr
Sally Mueller
Robyn Mueller
Stella Mueller
Brian Nicol
Angelo Nicoloyannis
Allan Nixon
Teri Snelgrove
Stuart Snyder
Susan Stanley
Joan Turner
Daphne Vernier


Produced with the participation of Canada Media Fund

Developed and produced with the participation of Yukon Media Development

Developed with the participation of
Yukon First Nation Culture and Tourism Association
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

Produced in association with Northwestel

© 2022 Sagafish Media Inc. and the National Film Board of Canada

Media Relations

  • About Sagafish Media

    Sagafish Media specializes in storytelling with a northern point-of-view. We develop and produce documentaries created, shot and edited in Northern Canada. Our backyard is the circumpolar region and our films combine engaging narrative, striking visuals and universal themes that help audiences learn about these little-known worlds. In seven years we have completed three films, have two more in production and several in development. Completed films include Journeys to Adaka, Aurora Love and a co-pro with the National Film Board, Voices Across the Water. With a slate of films emerging, we’re venturing into international co-production. At the core of Sagafish Media are its two partners and creative collaborators, Fritz Mueller and Teresa Earle, and we work hard to cultivate northern talent.

  • About the NFB

    Founded in 1939, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is a one-of-a-kind producer, co-producer and distributor of distinctive, engaging, relevant and innovative documentary and animated films. As a talent incubator, it is one of the world’s leading creative centres. The NFB has enabled Canadians to tell and hear each other’s stories for over eight decades, and its films are a reliable and accessible educational resource. The NFB is also recognized around the world for its expertise in preservation and conservation, and for its rich and vibrant collection of works, which form a pillar of Canada’s cultural heritage. To date, the NFB has produced more than 14,000 works, 6,500 of which can be streamed free of charge at nfb.ca. The NFB and its productions and co-productions have earned over 7,000 awards, including 11 Oscars and an Honorary Academy Award for overall excellence in cinema.