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  2. Press Kit

The Cancer of Time

Dominic Turmel


Short Synopsis


Dominic Turmel
Design and creative direction


KO-OP Mode
Design, illustration and development


Jean-François Nadeau
Design and copywriting


Stéfan Boucher
Design and music


Hugues Sweeney
Executive Producer






Design and Creative Direction Dominic Turmel
Design, Illustration and Development Saleem Dabbous, Samuel Boucher, Nick Rudzicz and Bronson Zgeb (KO-OP Mode)
Design and Copywriting Jean-François Nadeau
Design and Music Stéfan Boucher
French Adaptation Véronique Ovaldé
English Adaptation Emmanuel Schwartz
Narration Jean-François Nadeau, Madeleine Péloquin, Brett Watson et Gitanjali Jain


Sarah Wolozin
William Uricchio
Scot Osterweil
Sonny Sidhu
Philip Tan
Konstantin Mitgutsch


National Film Board of Canada

Executive Producer Hugues Sweeney
Head of Production Marie-Pier Gauthier
Technologist Martin Viau
Editorial Manager Valérie Darveau
Administrator Marie-Andrée Bonneau
Production Coordinators Dominique Brunet, Caroline Fournier and Perrine Bral
Clerk, Interactive Productions Angel Carpio
Marketing Manager Jenny Thibault
Assisted by Karine Sévigny
Information Technology Sergiu Raul Suciu
Social Media Julie Matlin, Emilie Nguyen Ngoc, Jovana Jankovic and Kathryn Ruscito
Press Relations Marie-Claude Lamoureux

France télévisions Nouvelles écritures

Boris Razon, Voyelle Acker and Cécile Deyon

Production Administrator Sandrine Miguirian
Communication Officer Antoine Allard
Technical Advisor Emmanuel Souillat


Charles Trahan
Dominique Willieme
Franck Desvernes
Wen Zang
Stephen Ascher
Philippe Santerre
G.P. Lackey
Ulysse Korolitsky

Media Relations

  • About the NFB

    The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is one of the world’s leading digital content hubs, creating groundbreaking interactive documentaries and animation, mobile content, installations and participatory experiences. NFB interactive productions and digital platforms have won over 100 awards, including 21 Webbys. To access this unique content, visit NFB.ca.

  • About France Télévisions Nouvelles écritures

    Three years after its creation, the direction of new writing and transmedia of France Télévisions opens a new chapter in its history.
    With 90 online programs, 45 ongoing projects, almost 100 hours of available video, more than 400,000 dedicated players, and 27 awards, its strategy is now divided into three areas:
    1- Develop large collective narratives or public service campaigns with France Télévisions channels.
    2- Introduce original audio-visual works by uncovering new and unknown paths, including fiction through “Studio 4”, documentaries through “Infracourts”, or rerouted news on social networks.
    3- Push narrative researchever further by integrating game and its inner workings into narration, by extending creation to networks and encouraging participation, and, especially, by grounding more and more programs in real life—outside and on the streets. Binaural recording and Oculus head-mounted displays have made it possible for new forms of immersive experiences and installations to take place. Spaces can now be reinvented through apps and augmented reality. Why? To ultimately change our perception of the world and to endow it with additional senses or dimensions, which, in turn, can change us. There are infinite creative horizons opening on the fringes of life and its representations. We scan these horizons with great exhilaration.