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Lay Down Your Heart

Laissez parler votre cœur
Marie Clements
2022 | 70 min

Awards and Festivals

  • Official SelectionReelworld Film Festival, Canada (2023)

  • Audience Award Winner - PortraitsVancouver International Film Festival, Canada (2022)







My heart, your heart...

Ballad of Niall McNeil with Manon Beaudoin and Colin Heath

Niall's blood family


Niall McNeil, co-creator, Canadian multidisciplinary artist, actor. Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall McNeil, the actor Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall McNeil's blood and theatre family. Photo credit: Image from film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall's Blood and Theatre Family

Niall and his son, Steve (Steven Hill). Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall with his father, Jim and mommy/daddy, Joan (Jim Gillespie and Joan McNeil) Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall with his daughter, Lolo (Lois Anderson) Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall with his Uncle Linz (Linz Kenyon) Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall with Wayne Lavallee Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall McNeil's blood and theatre family Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.

Niall with his daughter, Manon and son, Colin (Manon Beaudoin and Colin Heath). Photo credit: Image from the film - Courtesy of National Film Board of Canada.


Marie Clements
Co-Writer and Director

Photo : Emily Cooper

Niall McNeil

Photo : Derry Lubell

Shirley Vercruysse
Producer/Executive Producer (NFB)

Photo : Myriam Frenette


Written by
Marie Clements and Niall McNeil

Directed by
Marie Clements

(in order of appearance)
Niall McNeil
Marie Clements
Joan McNeil
Lindsay Kenyon
Lois Anderson
Steven Hill
James Gillespie
Ken McNeil
Martin Julien
Peter Hinton
Colin Heath
Manon Beaudoin
Paula Danckert
Wayne Lavallee
David Pullmer
Mike McKinlay
James Boatman
Richard Wilson

Shirley Vercruysse

Line Producer
Jennifer Roworth

Director of Photography
Mike Mckinlay

Sarah Hedar

Wayne Lavallee

Kevin Langdale

Production Design
James Boatman

Original artwork by
Niall McNeil

Yolonda Skelton
Joleen Mitton

Hair and Make-up
Sheleah Bradley

Additional Cinematography
Christina Ienna
Paul McCurdy
Steven Turcotte

On-Location Sound Recordists
David Pullmer
Ramsay Bourquin
Nicholas Davey
Gaëlle Komàr
Zan Alexander Rosborough
Gaelen Cook

Set Decorator
Richard Wilson

Technical Coordinator
Wes Machnikowski

Senior Production Coordinator
Nicolas Ayerbe Barona

Production Coordinator
Jas Calcitas

Production Assistants
Alexa Carrenard Tremblay
Rosey Tyler
Roksan Parfitt

Caroline Coutts

Production Consultant
Joan McNeil

Disability Culture Consultant
Jan Derbyshire

Visual Effects Artist
Serge Verreault
Bun Lee

Serge Verreault

Kevin Langdale
Cynthia Ouellet

Kathleen Nisbet

Sound Design
Eva Madden
Foley Artist
Drew Hagen

Re-Recording Mixer
Chris McIntosh

Thank You
Nisha Ahuja
Diane Baril
Ayda Bewcyk
Francesca Jamie Boatman
Michael Blake
Camyar Chai
Michele M. Cantelon
Barry Danckert
Joe Danckert
Matthew Danckert
Michael Danckert
Paula Danckert
Michael DesMazes
Richard Donat
Sean Fitzpatrick
Caleb Gillespie
Lee Gillespie
Veda Hille
March P. Hutchinson
Tanja Jacobs Kris Joseph
Yasser Ismail
Ron Kennell
Jeff King
John Koensgen
Maddy Lawson
Darlene Lewis
Cliff Mah
Alex McCooeye
Jim McKenzie
Clare McNeil
John McNeil
Maureen McNeil
Rod McNeil
Matt Miwa
Justin Prevedoros
Eric Ranzenhofer
Kenneth Ryan
Meghan Scott
Monika Seiler Jeremiah Sparks
Waneta Storms
Madeleine Suddaby
Julie Tamiko Manning
Matthew Tapscott
Nina Taylor
Josh Watts
Jordan Wilson
Mike Wollin
Marcus Youssef
Robert Zobatar
Line 21 Media
Northkamp Studios
Lighthouse Arts Centre at the Culture Link CIC
Pie in the Sky Studios
Shoreline Studios
Studio AIR M.S. Media
Yellowhouse Art Centre
Watts Costumes

Media Relations

  • About the NFB

    Founded in 1939, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is a one-of-a-kind producer, co-producer and distributor of distinctive, engaging, relevant and innovative documentary and animated films. As a talent incubator, it is one of the world’s leading creative centres. The NFB has enabled Canadians to tell and hear each other’s stories for over eight decades, and its films are a reliable and accessible educational resource. The NFB is also recognized around the world for its expertise in preservation and conservation, and for its rich and vibrant collection of works, which form a pillar of Canada’s cultural heritage. To date, the NFB has produced more than 14,000 works, 6,500 of which can be streamed free of charge at nfb.ca. The NFB and its productions and co-productions have earned over 7,000 awards, including 11 Oscars and an Honorary Academy Award for overall excellence in cinema.