May 25, 2023 – Montreal – National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Canada is a global leader in ocean literacy, and through the expertise it has developed with Ocean School, the NFB is proud to be hosting a panel of top experts that the public can attend on Thursday, June 8, to mark World Ocean Day. The panellists will discuss critical issues including the popularization of science, challenges related to the protection of this vital resource, and how to inspire and prepare the next generation with the necessary knowledge to take action. This event will be held at the NFB in Montreal, in the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles district. It will also be livestreamed across Canada.
Other special activities planned for Montreal include stunning footage from Ocean School projected onto the Wilder Building, facing the Place des Festivals, on June 8. In addition, the Ocean School team will be participating in Halifax Ocean Week festivities on Saturday, June 10, at the spectacular Queen’s Marque courtyard.
The impressive giant floor map Ocean, Freshwater, and Us and its accompanying augmented reality app will be available at both the Montreal and Halifax events.
Quick Facts
Montreal events open to the public on June 8, World Ocean Day
- “Canada’s Leadership Role in Ocean Literacy” panel. Meet experts and learn more about their personal connection with the ocean, how these vital bodies of water are impacted by our actions, and what’s at stake. With:
- Anne-Marie Asselin, Founder, Blue Organization, and marine biologist (Montreal)
- Diz Glithero, National Lead, Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (Chelsea, Quebec)
- Philippe Archambault, Scientific Director of the Canadian Networks of Centres of Excellence, ArcticNet (Quebec City)
- Scott Simpson, producer, Ocean School (Halifax)
- Sergio Madrigal, graduate research student and Ocean School youth host (Long Beach, California) – attending virtuallyModerator: Jac Gautreau, executive producer of Ocean School at the NFB, based in Moncton.
- Date: Thursday, June 8, 5:30 p.m., Alanis Obomsawin Theatre at the NFB in Montreal
- The panel, which will be bilingual with simultaneous translation in French and English, will be preceded by a projection of striking images of the ocean. For more details about watching the livestream, check out Ocean School’s website.
- Giant floor map:
The giant floor map Ocean, Freshwater, and Us will be available at the NFB Public Space before the panel. You can walk on this giant map (11 m x 8 m) and, with the help of its AR app, understand and learn more about the ocean and Canadian waterways!
- Projections onto the Wilder Building:
Spectacular video from Ocean School will be projected onto the Wilder Building, the NFB’s neighbour in the Quartier des Spectacles, starting at 9:30 p.m.
- Qualité Motel concert at the Old Port:
Panellists and members of the public are invited to a concert by the group Qualité Motel at the Old Port of Montreal, at 7:30 p.m. Hosted by the Blue Organization.
Events for schools during Ocean Week Montreal, June 5 to 9
- In keeping with its mission to serve as a partner in education, the NFB is inviting students and teachers, as well as educational technology students, to get out of the classroom and enjoy a range of experiences related to Ocean School. Details here.
Halifax activities on June 10
- The Ocean School team joins the Halifax Ocean Week celebrations, organized by the Nova Scotia Underwater Council, on Saturday, June 10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the enchanting Queen’s Marque courtyard, which leads directly into the Atlantic Ocean.
- During this family-friendly day of events, experience the Ocean, Freshwater and Us giant floor map, participate in a variety of activities, and learn about the Take Action Toolkit.
- Find all the details here.
Did you know…
About Ocean School
Ocean School is the result of a dynamic partnership between the NFB and the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University. This immersive learning experience features innovative and engaging content created by a team of scientists, educators and storytellers, illustrating how we all have a role to play in protecting the ocean, and seeking to inspire the next generation to take action! Press kit: mediaspace.nfb.ca/epk/ocean-school
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